Thursday, May 03, 2007

SHF- check it out

Come check this out, (simply click on the name of the website)

I didn't put this site together- just to let you know-
but I did some parts of the project...
(ex., the cover page's image, and the drawings of the trailer, etc.)

But most importantly,
I want you to take a look at this film project's site and show your friends, too.
Show your creative friends, rich friends, abolitionists...
...whoever might be intersted in knowing that this project exist.

  • S a f e H o u s e F i l m s . c o m

  • Thursday, March 29, 2007

    Hello friends. I am sorry that I am not really updating any parts of my new life in Korea. There are a couple of technical reasons I won't mention... but anyways. These are some funny text books I am teaching Korean kids Enlglish reading with. There are basically about 15 books of diff. levels I teach with. Those amazingly high level ones are, infact, way easier than the kids I am reading these cute books to. Because, I read these same books to each classes for about a month, over and over and over and overrr...... it's quite challenging esp. when kids almost memorize the whole lines of the book, sing them while they take showers at home... so. I try my best to be as creative as possible. I can proudly say to you all though- "Kids love me". Even after I gave them some hard time for their misbehavior. They can really push me to the limit but I manage not to throw my pen at them, and in return, I get their love :) So yeah, this is what I do, in "Washington English School".

    Wednesday, December 13, 2006

    Thursday, June 08, 2006

    Some more Heroes and the Winner.

    Dirty Q-tip

    Bucket Head

    Lady Slapper

    Hutterites Couple, Henry and Helda

    The winner of the night,
    Hutterites, Helda!!!

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    Mistery Men Party

    An yearly event right befor The Forum's graduation.
    You come to the party as a super hero.
    Here are a few pics of some fun heros.

    The Match Maker showing off her power

    Nomadman with Madam Mourning

    The Trailer Park Trio

    Sarah and her hidden superpower girl, Lightenig-Volt

    Madam Mourning with Chess Ninja

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    Beauties from my garden

    Just wanted to share my little happiness I get to enjoy when I am home. These are from my garden. They just come out themselves - I had to do nothing for them.

    And, well, this one is from the last christmas. My poinsettia. I could not get rid of her... and I am discovering amazing stuff about her these days - check this out. It's producing honey! (the shinning little thingi)

    Friday, May 05, 2006

    I miss those days in paradise

    So, friends here started barbeque Friday - we will have barbeque on every Friday from now on. It is pretty lovely.

    But, the smoke of barbeque does remind of my beautiful memories;
    days in Hawaii, where I went out to a beach with friends like every week - we often had some nice korean barbeque and it was always AWESOME. Oh... yeah. How I miss the water, the chilling friends, the one coffeeshop by the water, my tan that has left me ... and the smell of plumeria.